12th November 2006

No net (radio show) today, guess it's a Sunday thing.  Actually we didn't see many folks around today at all.  We are making coffee on the boat these days which is kinda nice and helps us get started on the cleaning a little earlier.  I do miss seeing folks and saying hi to and from the mall though.  I don't think I mentioned this a couple of days ago, but Boomer came by on the 10th and asked for his A/C back.  He mentioned something about his new, bigger model not cooling as much as the one he let us borrow.  Good news is that we didn't have to worry about the decision to buy or not, bad news is that it is still pretty hot (not as hot as the first couple of days) and is supposed to get hotter by the middle to end of next week!  Boomer got moved down to A dock (his request) so we haven't seen him since then (we are on the far end of E dock). 

We started using our water tank for cleaning water (filled with a hose on the dock, which is a hellova lot easier than filling a bucket every so often!) and are making progress.  Not as quickly as we would like and we can't figure out where our days go, but we keep chugging along!

We saw our first alligator today!  We had heard that there are alligators in the waters here at the marina and so haven't been swimming by the boat (also the water seems pretty dirty/nasty down here - it's brackish).  He (or she) was just slowing making his way upstream and it was cool to see!  Everyone says that they are more afraid of us than we are of them, but I haven't seen many people in the water so. . .

After Janet had her evening swim, we went for dinner at the little Mexican place in the mall.  For some reason Janet always seems to make a better food selection than I do, I might just follow her lead next time.

After dinner we ran into Tom and Dan coming back from Nuevo where they had a great shrimp and tequila meal for less than 10 bucks each.  We really need to explore more around here!

We had a lot of lightning this evening (a bit scary for Janet while swimming at the pool, she stopped a bit early) and a little downpour.  We know we have a leak somewhere due to how moldy the boat was and that one of the bunk cushions was soaked through when we first arrived.  Anyway, the short downpour wasn't enough to show us any leaks, so we'll still have to investigate that at a later date.

No progress on the battery charger as of yet, I hope to get to it tomorrow (though I believe I said that a couple of days ago) and maybe, just maybe finish the cleaning.

I went online for a bit today and looked at the news for the first time since we've been here - great to see how well the Democrats did this past election, though I was sad to see that my friends dad running for Congress didn't win (Jesse's dad, Peter J. Goldmark, was running in Washington State's fifth district).

Our wifi connection has been less than reliable today, so I don't know when this will get posted and no pictures will be going up today.  We've been taking a few pictures, but missed the alligator - hopefully we'll see another!

We'll probably finish off the evening watching a few Simpsons episodes on the laptop. . .

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