9th November 2006


This morning, 7:45 came around and we needed the alarm to wake us up.  It's okay though, 'cause we had plenty of time to venture out for coffee and make it back to Whisper for the radio show (cruiser's net is what they call it).  On my way to coffee, Boomer offered to give us some, but we feel we're in debt to him enough, and I kinda like the walk.  On my way back from coffee Rick (Time Traveler) mentioned that it was quite a ways to go for coffee.  See, we are at the end of E dock which people call Tepic, as that is the next town over.  Anyway it is only about a 10 minute walk and the exercise wakes me up as much as the coffee does.  Rick offered to make coffee for us and bring it over after I explained that we would make our own coffee once we have the propane going.  So much to do!  Rick is from Canada and is with his wife(?) Jenny and is only a few slips away from us.  Their kindness is pretty representative of the reception we have gotten since arriving here in Paradise (marina).

We listened to the Net (radio show) this morning and checked in as Whisper as that is our official boat name until we figure out all the paperwork crap.  It's interesting to hear the roll call and everyone checking in and the weather, jokes, etc.  We'll be sure to be up tomorrow for our daily fix. 

After listening to the net, it was back to cleaning.  More mold removal and cleaning the crap out of the bulkheads and other storage spaces that kinda stink.  Janet says that the boat keeps smelling better and better, so I think we're making some good progress.  Had lunch at Mickey D's I'm sorry to say, but until the galley (kitchen) is up and going we are kinda stuck with either expensive fast food or more expensive restaurants in the gringo mall.  After lunch it was more cleaning up and we made some progress in cleaning out the galley areas.  Ben and Aaron (the previous owners of Whisper) left us some goodies (liquor, ramen, hot chocolate, and canned goods) and not so goodies (rotten snack mix, moldy flour, stinky stuff we could not identify).  After throwing all the crap out, we still feel like we did pretty well (booze!).

We had a nice dinner at this Mexican place in the mall and on the way back we met some new folks.  Sharon, Bill, and Sheri (we didn't figure out who was with who or which boats they were on - Janet thinks that Bill and Sheri are together) and two dogs - Diesel was one name.  Janet asked them some questions about paperwork and hauling out (we need to haul out the boat and repaint the bottom to prevent barnacles and the like).  They advised us that it we really need to work out the paperwork issues and recommended Velma in the mall for assistance.  That's first on our list for tomorrow (after coffee and the net of course).  The topic of fishing licenses came up and it seems like it was quite prudent for us to get ours in the States before we left as they are currently out (or unavailable?) here.  Sharon then told us that we didn't need to get a fishing license for Janet as women are not considered fisherman - that piece of knowledge could of saved us good money, so Janet didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 

We're getting pretty spoiled with the A/C and may just buy it for our month long (or so) stay here in Paradise (marina) and then try to sell it, we'll see how tomorrow goes.

Okay, it's after 10pm and we're exhausted from the heat and cleaning. . . 

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